2-Year-Old Waits For Mom’s Cue To Put On Impressive Irish Jig In Living Room

Some people just instinctively know how to dance. They have this innate sense of knowing how to move their bodies and make it look good. While some just flat out cannot dance, others live and breathe it! It’s in them from the beginning. And even though dance is learned through practice, it takes a certain amount of skill and raw talent to be able to pull it off.

So, to see a two-year-old whip out technical Irish jig dancing like this is amazing! She’s only a toddler but is doing a fine job at making the rest of us look bad

I don’t think I really learned any kind of dance until I was a few years older. It was definitely the Macarena, and if my memory serves me correctly, those dance moves aren’t nearly as complex as tap dancing or doing an Irish jig. Eventually, I learned ballet, but surely I didn’t have the footwork committed to memory. Nothing like this little champion!


It’s St. Patrick’s Day and this tiny tot is throwing down dance moves. They’re so impressive that it’s putting the rest of us to shame. Dressed in a festive shamrock green frock with a pretty green bow in her curly blonde hair, she’s barefoot in the living room waiting for her cue from mom. Her hands are behind her back and she’s got a big smile on her face. She knows she’s got a few moves up her sleeve!

The girl takes her position, her right foot out in front of her and pointed like a pro. She’s got a big smile on her face, her shoulder leans in, and she’s off. The sweet girl is skipping and hopping to the traditional music. Her posture is straight, her face focused and her feet tapping on time, knees brought up high! She makes her way around the room, doing a little turn here and there, never losing her joy or motivation. The precious girl keeps her energy up the entire time, from start to finish, until the music is done.


Mom says, “Yayyy! Good job!” The girl finishes with a cute little curtsy. She flips up her hair and looks like she’s proud of herself. And, rightfully so! She’s a star in the making.

Click the video below to watch this sweetie pie knock out a fabulous jig! She truly has the moves and confidence to pull off a great performance

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